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Unleashing Young Minds Season 2

IGNIS SCIENTIA is the newest initiative of Competitive Edge Academy. It is an innovative Maths & Science Competition that focuses on team building, creativity, and real-world learning opportunities that foster innovation.

It also gives them an opportunity to discover various career opportunities and helps them choose the right path.


Success of Season 2

Special Invitations & Scholarships

We are excited to announce that IGNIS SCIENTIA Season 2 was a massive success. A total of 118 teams from 35 top schools in Chennai competed and 53 teams made it to the finals
Note: 1. The first 10 teams will get a direct invite to Ignis Scientia Season 3’s finals, a 50 % scholarship to Competitive Exam training programs provided by Competitive Edge, and access to our student community benefits like workshop access, career counseling, etc.
2. The next 10 teams (11 to 20) are eligible for scholarships and student community benefits.

Innovation Stage & Video Submission​

Teams must Lreate a video (maximum 7 minutes) that explains their innovative idea for solving one of the real-world problems provided by the Lompetition. The idea should be Lreative, feasible, and relevant to the seleLted problem/
1.Team FormationI

  • EaLh team must Lonsist of 3 to 5 students and a mentor.
  • A sLhool Lan enroll as many teams as desired, but eaLh team must Lhoose a different problem to solve.
  • EaLh team must Lonsist of 3 to 5 students and a mentor.
  • Teams must register by the deadline using the offiLial
    registration link below
    Click here

Video Requirements:

  • The video must not exLeed 7 minutes.
  • The video should Llearly outline the problem, the proposed
    solution, and the idea’s potential impaLt.
  • The video must be original, with all Lontent Lreated by the
    team members.
  • Teams Lan use any method (e.g., animation, live
    demonstrations, storytelling) to present their idea Creatively.
  • All sourLes must be Lited if external information is used-z